Streamlining AWS CloudFormation with cfn-modules: A Time-Saving Solution

Are you tired of wrestling with lengthy YAML or JSON scripts every time you deploy an AWS CloudFormation stack? Enter cfn-modules, a game-changer that can revolutionize your CloudFormation workflow and save you valuable time. What is cfn-modules? Cfn-modules is a productivity powerhouse designed to accelerate your AWS CloudFormation experience. It acts as a library of pre-built, reusable templates for various AWS services, eliminating the need to start from scratch with every deployment....

<span title='2023-11-23 12:14:34 -0600 -0600'>November 23, 2023</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;2 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss

Docker Go-Kafka implementation

Prerequisites Before diving into Go and Kafka integration, ensure you have the following tools installed on your system: Go Docker Docker Compose Setting Up Kafka with Docker Compose To get started with Kafka, we’ll use Docker Compose to create a local Kafka environment. Below is a docker-compose.yml file that sets up Kafka with Zookeeper and Kafdrop for monitoring: yaml `version: '3' services: zookeeper: image: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:7.3.2 container_name: zookeeper environment: ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT: 2181 ZOOKEEPER_TICK_TIME: 2000 broker: image: confluentinc/cp-kafka:7....

<span title='2023-10-09 16:52:34 -0600 -0600'>October 9, 2023</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;4 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss

DevOps Ci/Cd python,docker,jenkins

Steps Continuos integration merge all code work into a master branch code reviews, copile,build, unit tests,integration tests Continuos delivery deploy to test Server (in this case azure vm) UAT,QA build are delivered throughout the life cycle Continuis Deployment deploy to prod sercer or release Work Job in this case where deploy the image in the same machine where jenkins is running and if it is successful then it is going to publish it to the docker hub and then the next stage jenkins will actually deploy the image to the server...

<span title='2022-08-26 19:32:23 +0000 UTC'>August 26, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;2 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss

DevOps CI/CD Project 02

Simple DevOps Project -02 Prerequisites: Ansible server Jenkins Server Tocmat Server Part-01 Integration Setps Install “publish Over SSH” Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available > Publish over SSH Enable connection between Ansible and Jenkins Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Publish Over SSH > SSH Servers SSH Servers: Hostname:<ServerIP> username: ansadmin password: ******* Test the connection “Test Connection” Part-02 - Execute job to connect create a copywarfile.yml on Ansible under /opt/playbooks...

<span title='2022-08-09 22:18:56 +0000 UTC'>August 9, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss

DevOps CI/CD 1

Simple DevOps Project -01 We know how to use work with each and Git, Jenkins independently. What if you want to collaborate these two? that is where Simple DevOps project helps you. Follow below steps if you are a new guy to DevOps. You love it. Prerequisites Azure vm with tomcat installation Jenkins server Part-01 : Adding steps for Integration Steps to create Jenkin job Login to Jenkins console Create Jenkins job, Fill the following details, Source Code Management: Repository: https://github....

<span title='2022-08-07 19:43:44 +0000 UTC'>August 7, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;2 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss

Cli app schedule

Preview Install Clone the repository or download the package from here: enter the folder open terminal and run this command -\.install.ps1 now run the following command - [x] Get-Variable Profile It will show something like this: go to the address shown in the terminal open the file ending with ##profile.ps1 copy and paste the following command at the end of the file - [x] Set-Alias h 'C:\schedule\schedule.exe' Close and open the terminal again to run the program place h and hit enter...

<span title='2022-08-06 01:24:33 +0000 UTC'>August 6, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss


What is Kubernetes? is a technology that allows to orchestrate docker containers componenetes: control plane Node Scheduler kube-proxy kubelet etcd controller manager Cloud controller manager Api server notes for using kubernets requirements: docker install kubectl and kubernetes have docker installed to use or practice using minikube to start minikube running : sudo sysctl fs.protected_regular=0 sudo minikube start commands can now be executed [run as root] most used commands kubectl config get-contexts kubectl get ns [show pods] kubectl -n kube-system get pods [you can pass more commands like -o wide] kubectl delete pod "pod name" kubectl delete -f "file name" [delete the pods that the file creates] kubectl get pod "pod name" [to see the state of the pod, you can pass -o yaml and it will show all the yaml of the pod ] kubectl describe pod "pod name" kubectl get pvc kubectl delete pvc "pvc name" kubectl get sts kubectl delete sts "statefulset name" manifests [to understand review 01-pod....

<span title='2022-08-06 00:49:56 +0000 UTC'>August 6, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;5 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss