Simple DevOps Project -02



  1. Ansible server
  2. Jenkins Server
  3. Tocmat Server

Part-01 Integration Setps

Install “publish Over SSH”

  • Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available > Publish over SSH

Enable connection between Ansible and Jenkins

  • Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Publish Over SSH > SSH Servers

    • SSH Servers:
      • Hostname:<ServerIP>
      • username: ansadmin
      • password: *******

Test the connection “Test Connection”

Part-02 - Execute job to connect

create a copywarfile.yml on Ansible under /opt/playbooks

# copywarfile.yml
- hosts: all 
  become: true
    - name: copy jar/war onto tomcat servers
          src: /op/playbooks/wabapp/target/webapp.war
          dest: /opt/apache-tomcat-8.5.32/webapps

Add tomcat server details to /etc/ansible/hosts (if you are using other hosts file update server info there)

echo "<server_IP>" >> /etc/ansible/hosts

Create Jenkins job, Fill the following details,

  • Source Code Management:

    • Repository:
    • Branches to build : */master
  • Build:

    • Root POM:pom.xml
    • Goals and options : clean install package
  • Add post-build steps

    • Send files or execute commands over SSH
      • SSH Server : ansible_server
      • Source fiels: webapp/target/*.war
      • Remote directory: //opt//playbooks
  • Add post-build steps

    • Send files or execute commands over ssH
      • SSH Server : ansible_server
      • Exec command ansible-playbook /opt/playbooks/copywarfile.yml

Execute job and you should be able to seen build has been deployed on Tomcat server.

Some images

1.png 2.png

Based on YouTube