Cli app schedule

Preview Install Clone the repository or download the package from here: enter the folder open terminal and run this command -\.install.ps1 now run the following command - [x] Get-Variable Profile It will show something like this: go to the address shown in the terminal open the file ending with ##profile.ps1 copy and paste the following command at the end of the file - [x] Set-Alias h 'C:\schedule\schedule.exe' Close and open the terminal again to run the program place h and hit enter...

<span title='2022-08-06 01:24:33 +0000 UTC'>August 6, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss


What is Kubernetes? is a technology that allows to orchestrate docker containers componenetes: control plane Node Scheduler kube-proxy kubelet etcd controller manager Cloud controller manager Api server notes for using kubernets requirements: docker install kubectl and kubernetes have docker installed to use or practice using minikube to start minikube running : sudo sysctl fs.protected_regular=0 sudo minikube start commands can now be executed [run as root] most used commands kubectl config get-contexts kubectl get ns [show pods] kubectl -n kube-system get pods [you can pass more commands like -o wide] kubectl delete pod "pod name" kubectl delete -f "file name" [delete the pods that the file creates] kubectl get pod "pod name" [to see the state of the pod, you can pass -o yaml and it will show all the yaml of the pod ] kubectl describe pod "pod name" kubectl get pvc kubectl delete pvc "pvc name" kubectl get sts kubectl delete sts "statefulset name" manifests [to understand review 01-pod....

<span title='2022-08-06 00:49:56 +0000 UTC'>August 6, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;5 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss


que es Kubernetes? es una tecnologia que permite orquestar contenedores docker componenetes: control plane Node Scheduler kube-proxy kubelet etcd controller manager Cloud controller manager Api server notas para usar kubernets requisitos: docker instalar kubectl y kubernetes tener instalado docker para usar o practicar usar minikube para iniciar minikube correr : sudo sysctl fs.protected_regular=0 sudo minikube start ahora ya se pueden ejecutar comandos [ejecutar como root] comandos mas usados kubectl config get-contexts kubectl get ns [para ver pods] kubectl -n kube-system get pods [se le puden pasar mas comandos como -o wide] kubectl delete pod "nombre del pod" kubectl delete -f "nombre del archivo" [elimina los pods que crea el archivo] kubectl get pod "nombre del pod" [para ver el estado del pod, se le puede pasar -o yaml y mostrara todo el yaml del pod ] kubectl describe pod "nombre del pod" kubectl get pvc kubectl delete pvc "nombre del pvc" kubectl get sts kubectl delete sts "nombre del statefulset" manifiestos [para entender revisar 01-pod....

<span title='2022-05-10 16:02:38 +0000 UTC'>May 10, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;5 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss

Ansible | creando Playbooks

Un playbook es un archivo donde se escribiran todas las tareas que quieres que se hagan con ansible es escrito en yml y es mas facil porque solo tendremos que ejecutarlo no tendremos que escribir cada comando y recordarlo. Primer paso crearemos una archivo llamado tareas.yml segundo paso escribiremos el siguiente codigo: --- - hosts: all name: creando un playbook become: true task: - name: instala vim apt: name=vim state=present - name: comando shell shell: echo hola - name: detiene servicio service: name=nginx state=stoppeda - name: start servicio service: name=nginx state=started – [En la variable hosts podemos especificar ip/dominio igual podemos colocar el nombre de los grupos a los que queremos que se les apliquen estos cambios]...

<span title='2022-05-05 15:45:55 +0000 UTC'>May 5, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss

Iniciando con Ansible

para instalar ansible agrega el repositoria a ubuntu y luego correo sudo apt install ansible para que funcione bien tienes que tener un servidor al cual conectarte con ssh en mi caso estoy usando uno que cree con una maquin virtual comando para probar un ping ssh usuario@ip -p puerto en mi caso es ssh anco@ -p 22 si todo sale bien ahora podras controlar el servidor desde tu maquina....

<span title='2022-05-04 16:57:32 +0000 UTC'>May 4, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;2 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss

Creating Hugo Website on Archlinux

this is the second page i make with hugo this is my blog and my website in this short post i will show you how to create a page with hugo in linux so let’s start Step 1 install Hugo - Pacman -Sy hugo Step 2 create a new site - hugo new site quickstart Step 3 Add a theme (you can go to and search for one) cd quickstart git init git submodule add https://github....

<span title='2022-04-30 16:49:30 +0000 UTC'>April 30, 2022</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss