Docker Go-Kafka implementation

Prerequisites Before diving into Go and Kafka integration, ensure you have the following tools installed on your system: Go Docker Docker Compose Setting Up Kafka with Docker Compose To get started with Kafka, we’ll use Docker Compose to create a local Kafka environment. Below is a docker-compose.yml file that sets up Kafka with Zookeeper and Kafdrop for monitoring: yaml `version: '3' services: zookeeper: image: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:7.3.2 container_name: zookeeper environment: ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT: 2181 ZOOKEEPER_TICK_TIME: 2000 broker: image: confluentinc/cp-kafka:7....

<span title='2023-10-09 16:52:34 -0600 -0600'>October 9, 2023</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;4 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Ancordss